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Apple books

A very large part of the photos taken during the ten years of the “Himalayan Whispers, Secrets of the water” project had not been used, and so we had the idea of using them in three Apple Books, which are bilingual volumes embellished with videos extracted from the film by Serge Verliat.

Precious Water (FREE!)

Volume 1, Precious Water, takes you over the northern slope of the Himalayan range, the ochre desert world of the highlands of Tibet and Ladakh, protected from the rains by its location behind the highest peaks.

Generous Water

Volume 2, Generous Water, offers a geographic approach to the water richness of the Indian side of the Himalayas, and a human approach that addresses the theme of “Useful Water”. This geographic approach allows us to appreciate the relationships between people and water.

Sacred Water

Volume 3, Sacred Water, allows us to enter the imagination of the Himalayan peoples. Himalayan waters have always embodied the perfect purity of the Eternal Snow. The rivers here are deities that are worshipped, and pilgrims come to purify themselves in their waters, in search of a return to the purity of their origins.

800 photos provide you a tremendous journey along breathtaking landscapes.
This rich cultural itinerary make you discover endearing people anchored in ancestral traditions….
but also mountain people increasingly aware of water issues.
For each picture, you can get text and legend on demand. Many photos are geolocated

The three Apple Books can be found on the Apple Store, including “Precious Water” which is FREE!